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The Love Story of the two Ghana Police personnel; Mary Apefa Abossey & Derrick Adeapena.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. - 1 Corinthians 13

Lately I've had love on my mind a lot, probably because I am always thinking of someone. I think we all do, right? For me, right now I'm thinking a lot about marriage and what that will mean.

Meeting these two beautiful police officers of the Ghana Police Service changed my mind to a whole new positive vibe about true love and what it means.

I've not had much time to spend in my craft room, lots of changes in my life has got me running from pillar to post. And I think we can all agree we all need love. It's absolutely necessary to having a happy life, and this is a unique love story.

Mary Apefa Abossey is the name of the female police officer getting married to Derrick Kwaku Adeapena also a police officer of the National Protection Unit in Accra Ghana.

Of course, love isn't always about romance; it is about commitment, companionship and physical, spiritual and emotional support. These two lovebirds although find themselves in a very hectic profession loves and appreciate each other so much.

The groom is a product of Accra Technical University whiles the bride Mary Apefa Abossey is a product of Adeiso Secondary School and subsequently had her police training at the National Police Training School, Tesano in Accra Ghana.

Both are Christians. The groom worships with the International Central Gospel Church and work actively as part of the Sounds Team in the church whiles the bride worships at Christ Apostolic Church and is a great singer as well.

They both enjoy going on a pizza hunt especially at Eddy’s Pizza and they also like teasing each other. Such a lovely couple.

Their goal in life is to live a better and positive legacy for today’s generation and to develop greater relationship with their God.

Now let me give you give a gist to how they met;

It all started after the bride’s Mary Apefa Abossey passed out from the National Police Training School in Accra. She has been single and wasn’t really interested in any intimate relationship because her ideals is to wait and wait and wait till Mr Right comes her way, but little did she know that her Mr Right was Derrick Kwaku Adeapena.

Derrick was introduced to Mary by one Maame Ama Yeboah, a very good friend of Mary’s in January 2020. Derrick apparently came to visit Maame Ama Yeboah subsequently and asked of Mary’s mobile number from her but she obliged because she didn’t know how Mary will react to it.

‘’ Actually, Derrick was Maame Ama Yeboah’s closest friend. He came to visit Maame Ama at the police training school when Derrick saw me and asked Maame Ama to get my number for him but she didn’t tell me. Derrick eventually took my number from Maame Ama. We spoke on phone and eventually consented to start a positive platonic relationship with him. He has been my best friend and companion ever since, and now we are getting married.’’ - MARY ABOSSEY

Both bride and groom come from different backgrounds. They grew up in a loving and encouraging family probably. They’ve probably all had some kind of relationship in our lives that has left us feeling hurt. What they could control was their own choices. They first had to love themselves each, then they found true love in each other; a lesson we all can learn. We all have the power to make this decision no matter what life has dealt us.

I asked the couple their advice to the young ones searching for love and this is what they said;

· Be someone you would love; It is always easier to blame others. Always. What's hard is looking to yourself and realizing that maybe it's you who needs to change. Before you have amazing relationships, you have to be someone you would love. Be the mother you would want. Be the girlfriend you would fall in love with. This is a lifelong process the important people in your life will help you with if you are open to it. Stop focusing on others' shortcomings so much and instead work on yourself.

· Love deeply. Don't hold back. Don't hold grudges. Go all in. We've probably all been hurt before, and I'm not saying we should ignore those situations. But. Don't let past hurts prevent you from making new relationships or falling in love. This almost happened to me. I was hurt and felt justified in my unwillingness to forgive even though my circumstances had changed. And this attitude nearly prevented me from meeting my future husband. Don't be afraid to love deeply. It can be scary to depend on anyone. Be open. Be brave.

· Choose your important relationships. We truly believe that we should love everyone. An attitude of love to your fellow citizens is a great way to live your life. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone did this? However, this does not mean that you should open yourself up to being hurt over and over again. Choose the people who you cultivate important relationships with. If someone has continually been a negative influence in your life, or doesn't treat you the way you deserve, then they should not receive the privilege of being one of your close relationships. Focus on the positive influences in your life. Love them deeply

· Love is work. Every important relationship in your life requires attention in order for it to grow. We all are so guilty of being that friend who doesn't call back. It is SO easy to get busy with your life, with work or school or whatever you are passionate about and not focus on cultivating the love in your life. If you neglect any relationship it will decline over time. We've had many friends over the years that I've sort of drifted apart from simply because we didn't make time for them. Being a giving and loving person takes a lot of effort. And that's something that I'm working on this year.

''Myself and Derrick would on this day like thank all those who inspired us to be the best we could be; To Maame Ama Yeboah for introducing us; To Mr & Mrs Anum of CACI Music Department, Miss Gertrude Yankson, PW/Sgt Grace Owusua Gyan of the CID Headquarters Accra, and to Miss Rejoice Ntim of Legon University Basic School we say MAY GOD BLESS YOU. As we get married; we know we shall have the best of marriage life, and we will. ''

Credit: Guba Inspires @gubainspires
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